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email security awareness

Email security awareness trivia: Quiz yourself on email security threat

While email remains the number 1 threat vector, a lot of businesses don’t understand the inherent risks associated with this communications platform.


Take our email security trivia below to test your knowledge:

Email security trivia

Further reading for email security awareness

58% of organisation’s believe it’s inevitable or likely they will suffer from an email-borne attack in the coming year. Don’t be part of that 58%. Secure this critical asset and ensure your organisation is skilled up on email security.

If you’ve finished the email security trivia and need more tips on improving email security, read this blog post. We’ve covered the top email security threats, and 7 enterprise and individual best practices to help you combat this threat vector. 

Further email security awareness facts

  • 56% of organisations have seen a marked increase in phishing attacks 

  • 65% of organisations are not providing awareness training on a regular basis

  • 81% have experienced downtime from an email attack

  • 57% saw an increase in email impersonation fraud in the last year

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